Join the Team!
We need your help!
We are just getting started, and right now, “We” is really just “Me” plus a couple of advisors. I have teams in place in my IRL businesses, but they need to focus on getting stuff done, so ‘nzemi needs a whole new team. As we start to develop our vertical business lines, we’re going to need to hire salaried staff and specialists, but for our first launch, I’m looking for a handful or core founding DAO members that can bring expertise across a few areas.
There is work to do, and I will be able to get a bit of a budget together, but most of the budget will only be available after a successful launch, so I’m not looking for full-timers right now.
The organizational philosophy of ‘nzemi is what I would call “biophilic business management” – essentially creating a business organization that functions akin to the ecosystem of a forest, where thousands of lifeforms live individually following their own path, but collectively working together to create a robust whole, that can react to changing conditions and even come back from near catastrophic injury while continuously growing and thriving.
The core founding DAO members would ideally be working on projects of their own, and we can either launch their project as a ‘nzemi DAO project, or we can launch it as a partner project. Either way, building the DAO together makes us all stronger. Alternatively, founding team members may not have their own project, but they are working with multiple projects because they love web3 and see a huge opportunity to work for access to NFTs and establish themselves as an important figure in the industry.
Regardless of the motivations, in order to make sure nzemi is successful, we need the following key people to take a role:
- Smart contract / web3 developer. To start, we don’t need anything fancy, but we need a smart contract that works, that resists exploits, and that saves gas. The mechanisms of the DAO management and royalty distributions do not need to be programmed into the initial NFT, but we need to think through the roadmap and make sure we account for everything.
- Community builder. We need to build an organic community, both on twitter and on discord. Essentially, a professional cat herder. It’s important that people who buy into the DAO are committed to DAO membership and not just flippers, so organic community building is critical
- Artists, web2 programmers, python coders, franchise experts etc. Anyone else interested in lending their expertise in exchange for a premier membership role is definitely welcome to submit their CV and tell me how they can help. Even if we have the skills that we need already, extra hands are always appreciated if they come from a place of honest intention.
Compensation will be dependent on how many hours you’re interested in contributing, but we are open to all conversations.
If any of these profiles are you, please send us your details in the following form, or reach out to Arbo on Twitter directly.